
Selection of chess games featuring chess calculations

Example 1

Moves 2

side to move: White

result: unknown

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white didn't claculate corectly now the knight will have C4 and he can win the game

1.Rhe1 Bxd3 2.Rxd3 b5

Example 2

Moves 25

side to move: White

result : white wins

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white is making the right deep calculation, by giving D5 for the black knight he can prevent C5 from black and keep his bishop stuck

1.c5 Qe7 2.b4 Rfd8 3.Qc2 Nf6 4.Ne5 Nd5 5.a3 b5 6.Be4 g6 7.h4 a5 8.bxa5 Ra8 9.a4 b4 10.Bxd5 Rxd5 11.Rab1 f6 12.Ng4 Rad8 13.Rxb4 Bc8 14.Ne3 R5d7 15.Rb8 e5 16.d5 cxd5 17.c6 Rd6 18.c7 Rf8 19.Rxd5 f5 20.Qc5 Re6 21.Qxe7 Rxe7 22.Rxc8 Rxc8 23.Rd8+ Re8 24.Rxe8+ Rxe8 25.Nd5

Example 3

Moves 4

side to move: White

result : white wins

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white calculated that giving to black D5 for his knight and opening B7-G2 diagno he can attack faster on the king side before black can do his attacks still an equal position by analysis

1.e5 Bb7 2.Nf4 Qe7 3.Qg4 Nc6 4.h4

Example 4

Moves 1

side to move: Black

result : unknown

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black gave D5 for the white knight claculating correctly that the pressure on B2 pawn is better and the D5 spot will need time before the knight can safely take it.

1... c4

Example 5

Moves 2

side to move: Black

result : unknown

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black gave to the white knight D4 spot but after A6 the spot was meaningless and procceded to attack the white king side

1... c4 2.Be2 a6

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