Chess endgame strategy: Knight Vs Bishop

Selection of chess endgames featuring knight vs bishop tactics and strategies

Example 1

Moves 5

side to move: Black

result : draw!

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great position that show the flexibility of the knight and black forces a draw on white!

1... Ne4 2. d7 Ke7 3. a4 Nc5 4. a5 Nb3 5. a6 Nd4

Example 2

Moves 9

side to move: White

result : white wins!

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great position that show the flexibility of the knight compared to the limited bishop!

1. gxh5 Bc2 2. Nd4 Bd3 3. Ne6+ Kb8 4. Nf4 Bxc4 5. h6 Bg8 6. Nh5 Bh7 7. Nf6 Bg6 8. Nd7+ Kxb7 9. Nf8

Example 3

Moves 6

side to move: White

result : white wins!

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great position that show the flexibility of the knight compared to the limited bishop!

1. Kh6 Kh8 2. Nh4 Kg8 3. Nf3 Kh8 4. Ne5 Kg8 5. Nd7 Kh8 6. Nf8

Example 4

Moves 19

side to move: White

result : white wins!

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Smart moves by the knight to bring the 1 pawn advantage in a difficult position

1.Ke3 Kg5 2.g3 Ba4 3.Nh3+ Kg4 4.Nf2+ Kg5 5.h3 Bc6 6.h4+ Kf6 7.Kf4 Be8 8.Nd1 Bd7 9.Ne3 Be6 10.Nc2 Bf7 11.Na3 Bd5 12.Nb5 Be6 13.Nd6 Bd7 14.h5 Be6 15.Ne8+ Kf7 16.Nc7 Bc8 17.Kg5 Bd7 18.Nd5 Kg7 19.Ne3

Example 5

Moves 15

side to move: White

result : white wins!

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Bringing the knight advantage to a full potentional

1.h4 Bg7 2. b4 Bh8 3.c4 bxc4 4.b5 Bg7 5.Nc3 Ke6 6.b6 Kd7 7.Kd5 e4 8.Nb5 c3 9.b7 c2 10.b8=Q c1=Q 11.Qxd6+ Kc8 12.Qe6+ Kb8 13.Qb6+ Kc8 14.Nd6+ Kd7 15.Qb5+

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